Making Up For Monday is weekly blog meme hosted by An Avid Reader; A Wannabe Writer Each week she will have a book-related theme or game, or something fun to do that week. And you can play along! All you have to do is find the question for that week, go to your own blog, write a post that day based on that question, and link your post to this one using the link up tool at the bottom of the post.
Today's Question: Who is your favorite character?
Me: You're asking me to choose? I can't do that!

If I had to choose out of all the books I've read, I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm narrowing it down to who is my favorite character in Cress by Marissa Meyer (because it's the last 5/5 stars book I've read recently) in order to keep my sanity.
Everyone who knows me is probably thinking that I'm going to put Emperor Kai. Well, you're right!
Favorite Character from Cress: Emperor Kai
No words are needed why I love this character, but if you have yet to meet him and you need words. Go check out my That's What He Said Thursday post.
And if for some strange reason you haven't read it yet, go read Cinder by Marissa Meyer!
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