Monique, the owner of Something To Browse can get a little Feature-Happy! Sorries! *hugs* Read and take an adventure!
1. Feature A Blogger- Self-promotion is something I really hate to do, and that's why I started Feature A Blogger. It's a monthly feature where I feature a blogger/Fan Artist and help them promote their awesome content. Basically this is me saying, let me promote you for FREE! You can sign up to get featured here!
2. Browsing: The Treasure Files- Have you ever struck gold while browsing the internet? Not moneywise (even though that would be totally amazing), I'm talking about finding stuff on the internet that's so epic that you just have to share it with everyone you know! This happens to me from time to time, and sometimes I show the great treasure I've found with you guys! If you find treasure on the internet as well, you can share it with me via the contact form so I can show it off with this feature!
3. Slap A Character Award (SAC)- This is a fun little feature inspired by Queen Levana from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. Here is where I feature fictional characters that I'd love to slap. There are different levels of the SAC award.
Level 1- The Playful Slap
You're a little silly, but I still love you
Level 2- A Slap That Stings
You're an irritating little critter
Level 3- Slap With A Baseball Bat
I'd like to slap you into the next galaxy
Please note: No real characters will ever be harmed in the making of this feature. Also, we're talking about the characters, not the authors. I love authors! They are the best! :D
4. Series Overview- A series wrap-up where I identify all the elements I loved and hated in a series.
5. MBTI: Fictional Characters Edition. Do you know what MBTI is? You can go check it out here. I thought it'd be fun if we were able to identify the MBTI of fictional characters based on their personality traits. Don't take this one too seriously, guys. It's just pure fun! :)
6. News Alert- This is where I update you on anything fun or interesting happening in the bookish community. If you guys know of something interesting happening, feel free to let me know via the contact form.
7. Theories For A Series- I'm a victim to reading series and then having to wait for the next installment to be published. *sigh* It's nice to have some place where I can spill all my theories on what might be happening in the next book. That's what this feature is all about.
8. Finding Mr. Darcy- We found Mr. Darcy!! In YA books! Follow this feature to find YA retellings of Pride and Prejudice. Oh, you thought I meant in real life? Haha! Fat chance! But if you find him, let me know! ;)
Thank you guys for being amazing! If you've read all of the above, 1. I love you! 2. High five!
Happy Browsing!
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