The Liebster Award is rewarded to up and coming blogs that currently have less than 200 followers. It's all about getting to know different bloggers.The German word Liebster, translates into English: Sweetest. I didn't know what this was up to a week ago, but I think it's pretty interesting. It's kind of like we're giving each other blogger interviews, and that's pretty awesome! Thank you so much to Olivia over at Fictionally Obsessed for nominating me! Yay!!! :D
1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. List 11 facts about yourself.
4. Pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with fewer than 200 followers.
5. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Go notify your nominees on their blogs.
2. The only food item I love more than potatoes is chocolate. I LOVE chocolate!
3. My favorite color is purple
4. Sometimes I get really weird amnesia
6. I'm extremely introverted
7. I get anxious about EVERYTHING
8. I rather text someone than call them
9. I DESPISE love triangles
10. I'm vegetarian! :)
11. I read really fast, so sometimes when my teachers in middle school gave us a packet to read for the whole class period (because they were too lazy to plan anything fun or stimulating), I would make them angry by finishing extra early and then they had to rattle their brains to find something for me to do. Haha!
1. Who's your favourite fictional character?
This is a totally unfair question :P There are so many! If I had to choose just one I would say Emperor Kai from Marissa Meyer's series, The Lunar Chronicles. He's the best! :D
2. If you won $1000 but had to spend it all in one day, what would you spend it on and why?
In a bookstore. I promise you that the money would disappear in a few seconds.